TestNG testing framework — Parameterization

What is Parameterization?
Whenever we define any parameters on any of our methods, it means we are parametrizing that method. e.g. assuming areaOfSquare(int side);
takes one argument which is integer and returns ares of square. it also allows you to use the same method for N. no of values.
method of TestNG supports parameterization, which in simple terms means it allows us to pass values to our test method at runtime.
Ways to Parameterize @Test
Parameterization with @DataProvider annotation
Always remember to use below 2 if you plan on parameterizing your @Test with data provider.
- @DataProvider annotation with name attribute
- @Test with attribute dataProvider having same value as specified for above step.
testMethod called with [abc, cde]
testMethod called with [efg, hij]
testMethod1 called with [abc, cde]
testMethod1 called with [efg, hij]
Parameterization with @Parameters annotation
Passing value with @Parameters
is bit tricky here as we will be passing values from testng.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "https://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">
<suite name="Suite">
<test name="Test1">
<parameter name="value1" value="abc"></parameter>
<parameter name="value2" value="cde"></parameter>
<parameter name="value3" value="klm"></parameter>
<class name="ParametersDemo" ></class>
</test> <!-- Test -->
<test name="Test2">
<parameter name="value1" value="efg"></parameter>
<parameter name="value2" value="hij"></parameter>
<class name="ParametersDemo" ></class>
</test> <!-- Test -->
</suite> <!-- Suite -->
testMethod called with [abc,cde,klm]
testMethod called with [efg,hij,default]
As you see above for second test tag we only specified 2 parameters instead of 3 and because of @Optional
usage we didn’t get any error.
if you would have not specified @Optional
and you didn’t specify parameter in testng.xml you will below error.
testMethod called with [abc,cde,klm]org.testng.TestNGException:
Parameter 'value3' is required by @Test on method testMethod but has not been marked @Optional or defined
Useful URLs:
I’ve covered control annotations here @ TestNG testing framework — Annotations
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